Hyper V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver

  1. Hyper V Virtualization Infrastructure Drivers
  2. Microsoft Hyper-v Virtualization
  3. Hyper V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver Windows 10

Synthetic drivers in Hyper-V Two of Hyper-V's most important goals are in providing the best possible driver performance to minimize virtualization-related overhead and compatibility with the widest array of potential guest operating systems. Because these goals are sometimes at odds, Hyper-V provides two different types of drivers. These are events form the Virtualization Infrastructure Driver. Look here if you experience issues with memory assignment, e.g. Dynamic memory, or changing static memory while the VM is running.


This is really installation guide material and should probably bemoved.

It is possible to use Hyper-V as a compute node within an OpenStack Deployment.The nova-compute service runs as openstack-compute, a 32-bit servicedirectly upon the Windows platform with the Hyper-V role enabled. The necessaryPython components as well as the nova-compute service are installeddirectly onto the Windows platform. Windows Clustering Services are not neededfor functionality within the OpenStack infrastructure. The use of the WindowsServer 2012 platform is recommend for the best experience and is the platformfor active development. The following Windows platforms have been tested ascompute nodes:

  • Windows Server 2012

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Server and Core (with the Hyper-V role enabled)

  • Hyper-V Server

Hyper-V configuration¶

The only OpenStack services required on a Hyper-V node are nova-compute andneutron-hyperv-agent. Regarding the resources needed for this host you haveto consider that Hyper-V will require 16 GB - 20 GB of disk space for the OSitself, including updates. Two NICs are required, one connected to themanagement network and one to the guest data network.

The following sections discuss how to prepare the Windows Hyper-V node foroperation as an OpenStack compute node. Unless stated otherwise, anyconfiguration information should work for the Windows 2012 and 2012 R2platforms.

Hyper V Virtualization Infrastructure Drivers

Local storage considerations¶

The Hyper-V compute node needs to have ample storage for storing the virtualmachine images running on the compute nodes. You may use a single volume forall, or partition it into an OS volume and VM volume.

Configure NTP¶

Microsoft Hyper-v Virtualization

Network time services must be configured to ensure proper operation of theOpenStack nodes. To set network time on your Windows host you must run thefollowing commands:

Keep in mind that the node will have to be time synchronized with the othernodes of your OpenStack environment, so it is important to use the same NTPserver. Note that in case of an Active Directory environment, you may do thisonly for the AD Domain Controller.

Microsoft hyper v virtualization

Configure Hyper-V virtual switching¶

Information regarding the Hyper-V virtual Switch can be found in the Hyper-VVirtual Switch Overview.

To quickly enable an interface to be used as a Virtual Interface thefollowing PowerShell may be used:


It is very important to make sure that when you are using a Hyper-V nodewith only 1 NIC the -AllowManagementOS option is set on True, otherwiseyou will lose connectivity to the Hyper-V node.

Enable iSCSI initiator service¶

To prepare the Hyper-V node to be able to attach to volumes provided by cinderyou must first make sure the Windows iSCSI initiator service is running andstarted automatically.

Configure shared nothing live migration¶

Detailed information on the configuration of live migration can be found inthis guide

The following outlines the steps of shared nothing live migration.

  1. The target host ensures that live migration is enabled and properlyconfigured in Hyper-V.

  2. The target host checks if the image to be migrated requires a base VHD andpulls it from the Image service if not already available on the target host.

  3. The source host ensures that live migration is enabled and properlyconfigured in Hyper-V.

  4. The source host initiates a Hyper-V live migration.

  5. The source host communicates to the manager the outcome of the operation.

The following three configuration options are needed in order to supportHyper-V live migration and must be added to your nova.conf on the Hyper-Vcompute node:

  • This is needed to support shared nothing Hyper-V live migrations. It is usedin nova/compute/manager.py.

  • This flag is needed to support live migration to hosts with different CPUfeatures. This flag is checked during instance creation in order to limit theCPU features used by the VM.

  • This option is used to specify where instances are stored on disk.

Additional Requirements:

  • Hyper-V 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012 R2 with Hyper-V role enabled

  • A Windows domain controller with the Hyper-V compute nodes as domain members

  • The instances_path command-line option/flag needs to be the same on all hosts

  • The openstack-compute service deployed with the setup must run withdomain credentials. You can set the service credentials with:

How to setup live migration on Hyper-V¶

To enable ‘shared nothing live’ migration, run the 3 instructions below on eachHyper-V host:


Replace the IP_ADDRESS with the address of the interface which willprovide live migration.


Additional Reading¶

This article clarifies the various live migration options in Hyper-V:

Install nova-compute using OpenStack Hyper-V installer¶

In case you want to avoid all the manual setup, you can use CloudbaseSolutions’ installer. You can find it here:

The tool installs an independent Python environment in order to avoid conflictswith existing applications, and dynamically generates a nova.conf filebased on the parameters provided by you.

The tool can also be used for an automated and unattended mode for deploymentson a massive number of servers. More details about how to use the installer andits features can be found here:



Python 2.7 32bit must be installed as most of the libraries are not workingproperly on the 64bit version.

Setting up Python prerequisites

  1. Download and install Python 2.7 using the MSI installer from here:

  2. Make sure that the Python and PythonScripts paths are set up in thePATH environment variable.

Python dependencies¶

The following packages need to be downloaded and manually installed:


The following packages must be installed with pip:

  • ecdsa

  • amqp

  • wmi

Other dependencies¶

qemu-img is required for some of the image related operations. You can getit from here: http://qemu.weilnetz.de/. You must make sure that theqemu-img path is set in the PATH environment variable.

Some Python packages need to be compiled, so you may use MinGW or VisualStudio. You can get MinGW from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/.You must configure which compiler is to be used for this purpose by using thedistutils.cfg file in $Python27Libdistutils, which can contain:

As a last step for setting up MinGW, make sure that the MinGW binaries’directories are set up in PATH.

Install nova-compute¶

Download the nova code¶

  1. Use Git to download the necessary source code. The installer to run Git onWindows can be downloaded here:

  2. Download the installer. Once the download is complete, run the installer andfollow the prompts in the installation wizard. The default should beacceptable for the purposes of this guide.

  3. Run the following to clone the nova code.

Install nova-compute service¶

To install nova-compute, run:

Configure nova-compute¶

The nova.conf file must be placed in C:etcnova for running OpenStackon Hyper-V. Below is a sample nova.conf for Windows:

Prepare images for use with Hyper-V¶

Hyper V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver Windows 10

Hyper-V currently supports only the VHD and VHDX file format for virtualmachine instances. Detailed instructions for installing virtual machines onHyper-V can be found here:

Once you have successfully created a virtual machine, you can then upload theimage to glance using the openstack-client:


VHD and VHDX files sizes can be bigger than their maximum internal size,as such you need to boot instances using a flavor with a slightly biggerdisk size than the internal size of the disk file.To create VHDs, use the following PowerShell cmdlet:

Inject interfaces and routes¶

The interfaces.template file describes the network interfaces and routesavailable on your system and how to activate them. You can specify the locationof the file with the injected_network_template configuration option in/etc/nova/nova.conf.

A default template exists in nova/virt/interfaces.template.

Run Compute with Hyper-V¶

To start the nova-compute service, run this command from a console in theWindows server:

Troubleshoot Hyper-V configuration¶

  • I ran the nova-manage service list command from my controller;however, I’m not seeing smiley faces for Hyper-V compute nodes, what do I do?

    Verify that you are synchronized with a network time source. Forinstructions about how to configure NTP on your Hyper-V compute node, seeConfigure NTP.

  • How do I restart the compute service?

  • How do I restart the iSCSI initiator service?