Art Of Living So Hum

Naman - The Art Of Living by Chitra Roy. Song 17,179 Plays 12:01 Hindi (P) 2012 Sri Sri Publications Trust, Under Exclusive License from Sri Sri Publications Trust to Universal Music India Pvt.

  • SO HUM is also known for being the main tune used in Sudarshan Kriya in the voice of noted humanitarian and founder of the Art of Living foundation - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. If you want to receive the honour of owning the tune then get trained to become an Art of Living teacher.
  • So hum is considered the natural rhythm of breathing, as well as of the universe. We took a breath in when So was announced and breathed out with Hum. Followed this rhythm for many cycles, alternating between quick breaths and slow ones. I found the Kriya very intense. Even felt dizzy in between. The complete process lasted an hour.
  • Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Counting By Shri Shri Ravishan.The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Sudarshan Kriya What was so powerful about Sudarshan Kriya. I signed up for a 3-day Art of Living part 1. So hum is considered the.

AOL – Day 3 – Don’t be a Football of Others Opinion


Its 7:45 PM now.

We folks have finished Sudarshan Kriya. The most unique selling product of Art of Living.

Now begins the knowledge for today. The aphorism for today is ‘Don’t be a Football of Others Opinion’. The teacher tells us that we are all the time shaped by other’s expectation of us. He also told story of Aesop about a man and his donkey. How due to opinions of others he started changing his stances and finally instead the donkey carrying him he was carrying the donkey. The teacher asked us to review the situation in our lives where we have been the football of other’s opinion. We reviewed. All of us have some thing or the other. Social interactions demands from us in many ways to comply and dance to the tune of others. I am aware of it in myself how I have allowed other’s opinion in my self and how it has shaped so many of my behaviour. Good learning.

The teacher recaptulated the AOL aphorisms once again – Present Moment is inevitable, Accept everyone and every situation as they are, Expectations reduce the joy and Don’t be a football of other’s opinion. The four aphorims are good. I think I should internalize these things. Its dinner time now.

Art Of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Mp3 Download

We start preparing our raw food, cutting vegetables and of course the older folks have brought in already prepared salads. We mix all of them together and have a feast. We also talk and gossip. Teacher also talks about his Guru Ravishankar and his profound qualities and miracles.

Art Of Living So Hum

Teacher says tomorrow is Thursday and time for weekly satsang with Ravishankar which starts at 6:00 PM and he asked us to come at 5:00 to do pranayama and sudarshan kriya. Then we can attend the Satsang. He mentioned that Guruji is revealing secrets from the Saivaite text Shiva Sutra. He says first time in history anyone is talking about these secrets. Obviously he does not know or thinks we do not know. There are several commentaries on Shiva Sutras avialable. And from what I heard Ravishankar speak last week his is not so original. The narration and structure of his discourse has a clear and distinct influence from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Osho. Maybe they should add another aphorism to Art of Living – Do not imitate. Or maybe I should accept them for what they are. So I do.

Day 3 is over and I walk back to my Hostel room. Sudarshan Kriya had been quite relaxing and I am a smiling. Not much different from many of the breathing meditation techiniques I had done earlier. When I had done the dynamic meditation of Osho I had gone ecstatic. Maybe Osho is my Guru and that is my path. Expectations reduce the Joy.

Sudardshan kriya involves regulating one's breath to the sounds of So-hum ('So' for inhale and 'hum' for exhale). The entire kriya involves multiple rounds with each round having long, medium and short inhalation and exhalations with varying rhythms and intensities.
Sudarshan Kriya is accompanied by certain other breathing techniques like Ujjayi Pranayama and the Bhastrika Pranayama, which proponents claim help in quelling the turmoil of the mind.

Art Of Living So Hummingbirds

The process also involves the infusion of a maximum amount of oxygen to the cells, which helps in the release of neuropeptides that regularize Abnormal Brain Wave patterns in patients suffering from neural disorders.