Project On Semiconductor Devices For Class 12

Class 12 Physics Semiconductor ElectronicsFullwave Rectifier

Fullwave Rectifier


Circuit Diagram:

  • The main difference between half and full wave rectifier in circuit, is the usage of two diodes – D1 and D2

Input and Output:

Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits semiconductors. However, after 1990, a few semiconductor devices using organic semiconductors and semiconducting polymers have been developed signalling the birth of a futuristic technology of polymer-electronics and molecular-electronics. In this chapter, we will restrict. Revision Notes on Solid and Electronic Device:-Thermoionic emission:- Thermionic emission is the phenomenon in which electrons are emitted by a metal contains free electrons which behave like the molecules of a perfect gas. Richardson Equation:-I = AT 1/2 e-b/T. Here I is the thermionic current density in amp per sq meter.


Case 1

  • During the positive half of the input cycle of AC voltage, the junction diode D1 is forward biased as shown in the diagram above
  • Hence, current flows in the above circuit as indicated
  • The diode D2 is reverse biased and hence no current due to D2
  • We get output when the same is measured across the load resistance RL due to the diode D1 alone

Case 2

The circuit diagram for the negative half of the input cycle of AC voltage:

  • During the positive half of the input cycle of AC voltage, the junction diode D2 is forward biased as shown in the diagram above
  • Hence, current flows in the above circuit as indicated
  • The diode D1 is reverse biased and hence no current due to D1
  • We get output when the same is measured across the load resistance RLdue to the diode D2 alone
  1. We observe that one of the diode conducts and the flow of current across the load resistance is in the same direction
  2. Also, current flows during both cycles of the input AC voltage. However, the output though unidirectional has ripple contents. Ripple contents indicate both AC and DC components
  3. We can get only the DC component by passing it through a filter circuit
  4. The filter circuit consists of Resistance and Capacitance

Project On Semiconductor Devices For Class 12 Pdf

Circuit Diagram:


Project On Semiconductor Devices For Class 12 Ncert Solutions

  • C has a high capacitance value and serves as a filter circuit
  • RL is a load resistance


  • The capacitance offers low impedance to AC component and offers infinite impedance to DC component
  • Due to this the AC component is bypassed or filtered out
  • The DC component produces a voltage drop across the load resistance which is almost DC voltage

Problem : In half-wave rectification, what is the output frequency if the input frequency is 50 Hz. What is the output frequency of full wave rectifier for the same input frequency?

Solution : Half-wave rectifier –The output voltage is obtained is once in one cycle of input voltage, hence output ripple frequency after half-wave rectification = 50 Hz

Full-wave rectifier – For one cycle of input voltage, we get output twice in the same direction. Hence, the output after full wave rectification = 100 Hz

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Project On Semiconductor Devices For Class 12th

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