Rogue Max Stats Rotmg

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I've killedLimon about 200 times and recieved 2 Staff of Extreme Prejudice, one Wine Cellar Incantion, and 3 Planewalkers.2.4 - Stat Maxing. Getting to level 20 does not mark being an accomplished RoTMG player. You still have to max your stats, get the best gear, max your pet, and join a good guild. The cheapest RotMG shop with INSTANT delivery. Buy Realm of the Mad God STs, Skins, Tops, Rings, Potions, Eggs, and accounts. Our RotMG store also has a free Hacked Client! Cheapest RotMG Potions and Maxing packs- only pay for the potions you need. Max any class 4/8, 6/8, 8/8, or customized. Instant Realm of the Mad God delivery. To ger your RotMG stats maxed, simply choose your character class and type of package below. Our RotMG maxing service covers all from 4 out of 8 to 8 out of 8 stats. Whether your Realm of the Mad God Character needs maxed life, defense, vitality, mana, wisdom, attack, dexterity or speed, we have the solution.


Samurai Max Stats Rotmg

Welcome to our Rogue Assassin DPS Guide, updated for Mod 18: Infernal Descent and Mod 19 Avernus. To learn more about the new mod, check out our Mod 19 Avernus Guide. The Rogue is a typical melee DPS class, relying mostly on stealth and cunning to attack their enemies from the shadows.