
Wintergrasp Fortress



Northern Wintergrasp[50.5, 20.5]


What is Wintergrasp? Located in the center of Northrend, Wintergrasp is World of Warcraft’s first and only designated PVP area. Its mobs offer up an array of crystallized elements, which makes it an ideal place for players looking to farm some much-needed gold.

Wintergrasp pvp

Battle For Wintergrasp

Wintergrasp Fortress is the primary objective for control of the Wintergrasp region. The fortress has two layers of walls — the outer wall with the fortress gates, and the inner wall protecting the keep. The fortress also has a siege workshop for the construction of siege weapons for the defense of the fortress, quest-givers, the Wintergrasp quartermaster, and the entrance to the Vault of Archavon.

Wintergrasp Fortress

The walls have anti-vehicle turret alcoves all around it, and there are anti-tank rocket launchers available near the fortress' siege workshop.

Tower Room

Atop a tower in the south-west corner of the innermost courtyard there is a room seemingly magical in nature. It seems to serve no purpose besides providing a hiding place.

  • Its easy to win Wintergrasp in less then 10 minutes and get an achievement 'Within Our Grasp'. If possible, you need only 1 friend, but you can do it with randoms. One guy is capturing workshop while you killing 15 alliance/horde npcs. Then you take vehicle and destroy all walls. Your mate meanwhile can protect your machine, if necessary.
  • Wintergrasp Towers (the ones on the south side of the map) also have 30,000 hp. Wintergrasp Walls have 100,000 hp (the walls with the little holes in them for people to run through). Wintergrasp Fortress Walls (no holes in them) have 116,000 hp. The door on the southern side of the fortress has the lowest hp of them all.
  • Wintergrasp is a World PvP zone, similar to Tol Barad. It emphasizes siege weapon warfare-walls and towers are destroyed not by player damage, but by siege damage. Your siege engine amount is controlled by which workshops in the zone your faction owns. Every 2 hours 30 minutes, the battle for Wintergrasp.

Wintergrasp How To Get Vehicles


  • Wintergrasp Fortress while controlled by the Horde.

  • Wintergrasp Fortress under Alliance control.

Subzones of Wintergrasp
  • Wintergrasp Fortress
  • Undisplayed locations — Goblin Workshops
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