
GhostCPA allows you to do whatever you want with the referrer, effectively hiding your traffic sources from nosey affiliate networks. A new feature added to GhostCPA is the ability to capture email addresses of your users at the same time you get the commission from them filling out your offer. Ghost CPA Gigsterr Bot Godaddy Auctions PR Checker Google Adsense Accelerator Plugin Google Plus Extreme GPScraper Gravity Forms GSA Email Spider 5.30. H HeatMap PRO 5.2 HMA Proxy Grabber 2.0 Hotmail Account Creator Hot Item Finder I Internet Business Promoter 12 Internet Download Manager 6.12 IgniteSEO 3.3.0 IM PowerSuite. Don't buy from these guys - Their software does not work. They stole $500 from me. Ifame blockers kill this software and they are still selling it. They don't respond. Pass this thread on guys.

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Allright some people had trouble with my CPA Iframing guide. Yeah this blackhat seo post is closed because i dont want too many people to know how to do it, but anyways it seemed people had toruble with it. So i started seeking for software to iframe cpa offers that works.



What is iframing ?

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This is a totally blackhat technique.. Actually its even considered fraud so keep that in mind before starting – You may get hurt. Im wiring this just as a n information here. The method is mailinly to make people submit email to something else that it really is and get paid for each email [usualy around 1-2$ per USA or UK person].
This method is not super simple but with the tool mentioned here, anybody can do it in no time.

What do we need to iFRAME an offer ?
Mainly just an account within CPA company that has ZIP submits + GhostCPA software. In the other post i shown how to do it for free, but using this stuff will save You loads of time and headaches so if You are into CPA blackhat i highly suggest it.

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GhostCPA Blackhat Tool
Guys from GhostCPA software contacted me to review the stuff. I was preety skeptical – most of cpa iframing tools are not safe, leak the referer [show orignal source] and will make You banned. But after lots of test i have to say this tool is totally kickass – hence the price.

Even a total newbie will be able to setup an professional iframe campaign within this tool. Doesnt matter if You get traffic from Craiglist, forum posts or stright from Google – this will prevent You from ban or doing any mistakes in code. It will also let you to rotate the offers easily that no other tool on the market can do.
Mainly just take 2-3 offers of similar kind, install the script [You will need own php server for that] or for start [if You dont trust me] buy 1 month subscription [yeah they are so sure You will lvoe it, they let You just try for 1 month on low costs!] and get the money rolling.
What are other options of this blackhat software?
– blanking referer [so that it looks like traffic was from PPC]
– faking referer [so it looks like person came from other site]
– redirecting to new url after submitting form
– IP checking and giving right offers
– easy code generation [0 html or php needed!]
and a forum and fast ticket system that will make You problems disappear.


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So instead of wasting time just get on site and order GhostCPA now!

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