Stones By William Bell Essay

Throughout the book, Stones by William Bell, the protagonist changed throughout the story. People all change gradually in our lives for many kinds of reasons. Garnet from Stones used to hate school for eleven years, but in the last year of high school, he started to put effort into it, because he wanted to make his mother happy by graduating high school properly. Following the story of a woman with dwarfism, Stones From the River takes place during the period just after World War I leading up to just after World War II. This woman is the protagonist Trudi Montag, who grows up in a completely normal, small German town. Trudi's mother dies when she is just four years old, so the only memories she has of her are those of hate - initially, Trudi's mother looked down on Trudi because of her physical characteristics.

  1. Stones By William Bell Essay Graphic Organizer
  2. Stones By William Bell Essay Summary
  3. Stones By William Bell Essay Outline
  4. Stones By William Bell Essays

Stones By William Bell Essay Graphic Organizer

Stones By William Bell EssayPart C - Novel Response Essay
The Stones, written by William Bell is a novel that presents the negative effects of prejudicisme and the harsh actions people must cease to put our world in better order. During the novel, a young man goes through those stages and tries to find love with a girl that he unrealistically cannot have. Garnet Havelock is a trouble maker teen who has unique gifts such as knowing the origin of words and he has a real interest for history. He's a shy person who doesn't have much self-esteem and struggles in school in the social category. Garnet gets made fun of for using complexe words that average teenagers have no idea what the meanings are. His attitude towards school is just something he must finish, get over with so he can begin his appreticeship as a finishing carpenter. He is a young man that doesn't get much out of life, and doesn't give much to his own in return.
A new girl named Raphaella Skye transferred into his English class partway through the year at his high school. She is also a very linguistic student who argues with Garnet during English class in a debate about Romeo and Juliet. He belives that Love at first sight is a hoax, and Raphaella believes it existes. Raphaella has the dominant overview and wins the debate, while Garnet falls inlove with her that very day. Playing hard to get at first, Raphaella finally gives in to Garnet and he is able to warm her up, and after spending time together, they discover they have lots in common. Garnet finds an abandoned African Methodist Church during a snowstorm and gets into a very haunting experience. He urged Raphaella to go back with him and determine what happened in that church that leaves it so hauting today. He feels so much love for her that he feels she needs to be apart of this adventure. (Quote not found yet)Stones by william bell essays
  • Stones-Essay Being different from others can lead to pain in various ways. Whether you are new to a school or visiting another country apart from your religion. Being different plays an important role in everybody’s life which in the end leads to nothing but pain. The novel, Stones, by William Bell, shows how being different from others leads.
  • I have always been asked WHAT ARE YOU READING by kids, parents and teachers. I constantly find myself talking to people about books, that is why I have started this blog.

OutlineThey explore the African Methodist Church curiously and discover horrible hidden history that went on in their town many years ago. They find out the truth of the prejudice acts made towards the Africans by the towns people. Turns out that Raphaella lived during that time over 150 years ago and knows the tale vividly. Garnet becomes fascinated by her history and the black community she belonged to. Together, they investigate a haunting centered around the stoning of a Haitian woman by white people of the community. They discover a crime that is centered around fear and mistrust of different races. This historic crime clearly shows an attack on his mother by religious standards. This attack which proves that, even today, prejudice still occurs. (Quote not found yet)
I really disliked what Garnet Havelock and Raphella Skye had to find out about the horrible mistreatements of the people of their community, but it was needed in order to have a better understanding of their community's history, and to let the community aware of what went on, in order to make positive changes. Even after 150 years, there wasn't much of a change for the better on the issue of prejudism in the small community and so Rapheaellas appearance was to find a boy like Garnet, with Haitian background, to solve the mystery that was haunting the community for over a century.
Part D - Bibliography

Stones By William Bell Essay Summary

The Stones, by William Bell

Stones By William Bell Essay Outline

Stones By William Bell Essays